Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mother's Day - Sunday, May 13th

I learned a long time ago, the handmade gift is the one that means the most.  When I first started jenny wren designs, my mother, sister, and friends were some of my first customers. Flattering, but also made me worry, that perhaps these would be my ONLY customers and they were purchasing out of kindness more than truly liking my designs. Brett played a huge role in pushing me along my way to approaching retail stores and craft market vendors with my jewelry. To my surprise they liked my work!  And were willing to sell on my behalf!

That first sale was an INCREDIBLE feeling!  A stranger - someone who wasn't related to me in any way - liked what I had made and was willing to pay real money for it! Every sale since feels that way!  If you've ever experienced, you certainly understand what I'm talking about.

So as Mother's Day approaches, my mom, sister, and friends will certainly receive handmade earrings or necklaces:  but this holiday, I'll understand that their flattering words are truly genuine and that all those years, they've meant it too.

Hammered copper

Blue Quartz 

Citrine drops 

Hammered silver 
 Your mom would surely enjoy any one of these custom pieces as well! Special orders always welcome.

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